Saturday, March 19, 2005

Web-site updates

If you have come to my blog without visiting my homepage then you won’t have seen a new gallery that has just been added. This one features a selected sequence of photos from my last visit to Turkey, now way back in 2003. The photos are slightly disjointed so are arranged from the cool of a morning sunrise in Istanbul to the baking mid-day heat of the Mediterranean. Take a look, let me know what you think.

The contact page has also been changed. Now you can read an e-mail address hidden in an image and get in touch with me directly rather than using the previous form. If you can’t read the e-mail address the form is still there, and has also been simplified. Using the form and disguising the e-mail address in the image is a way to avoid spam generated by trawling web-bots, not just me being difficult on purpose.

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